

Take me back to those two amazing weeks I spent exploring parts of beautiful and mysterious Cambodia. Five countries were down and this was one of the best ones.

Morning at Angkor Wat

Take me back to a time I wandered on one of the most amazing beaches I had ever seen. Sun was shining like it was its last day, crystal clear turquoise sea calling me to take a refreshing swim and snow white sand inviting me to lie down and enjoy the heat. I was happy, wondering how it was possible to find this inhabited beach on the other side of jungle. I looked at white sand-colored crabs moving sideways to the sea from their sand holes as quickly as possible.. when one of them run over my leg, reminding me that there's a fine line between dreams and reality.
Take me back to my over night stay in a hammock between two coconut trees on the beach. To those crazy days when I met new absolutely awesome people and travel mates.. and partied with Beyonce look-alike ladyboys. To those extremely long and hot three days in a bus with local people sitting on the bus's floor with their incredibly calm babies when there was no space for anyone else to join. To little children's' gazing when I walked down those narrow alleys of Phnom Penh photographing their normal day routines. Take me back to time when I sat on little red and blue stools on the road eating noodle soup with meat and something else I didn't really ask for. To those shabby roads with blowing sand, chaotic traffic, strained electricity and no internet. Take me back to that road where we got stopped by a police who said it's time to go to the police station while driving a motorbike without helmets.. and getting rid of him by giving him 10 dollars. To those times I had great conversations with prostitutes on streets of Siem Reap. To ancient Angkor Wat, listed to Unesco's World Heritage Site, where we rent bikes and rode to the sunrise at 5am. To those beautiful women and girls with smiling and friendly faces and genuine laughter, much more actually than in any other countries I had been.

And take me back to this extremely beautiful and diverse country where I travelled totally spontaneous with one day considering time with two guys I had just met in Thailand. And it was one of the best decisions on my journey.

Lee helping out a baby monkey getting a selfie 

Some lovely kids I met in Siem Reap

Koh Rong


  1. Niin ihanaa tekstiä. Toivottavasti itselläni on joskus tulevaisuudessa mahdollisuus päästä tämmöiselle matkalle.Oot upea ihminen!

    1. Voi että, kiitos tosi paljon ihana, lämmittää sydäntä oikeen :) ! Kyllä sulla on, tottakai, säästä vähän aina matkakassaan ja sitten kun on tarpeeksi niin ota hatkat ja meet ihmettelemään maailmaa ;)

  2. What about love over there? Have you met someone on the trip or do you have someone waiting in Finland? Lovely pictures :)

    1. Hey ;) hah, nope i don't have anyone in finland.
      well, travelling is quite amazing because you're able to meet people who are pretty much like you and it's easy to fall in love when you're sharing beautiful experiences together. but.. long distance relationships are quite shitty, that's traveller's problem :D

  3. I absolutely love your blog. I wandered into archive and I love the way you write and your little journeys. I need to visit Pai NOW !
